It can provide 24/7/365 jamming even in a constant cooling system.In case of supplying voltage varies, our voltage regulator design can ensure the RF jammer 's normal operation and avoid the abnormality or being burnt.Highly efficient double fans with a low noise make the device in a good cooling and continuous work.Output power adjustable design makes the jammer more user-friendly.Each frequency channel can be controlled separately and simultaneously.Totally with a 15 Watt high output power makes a more efficient jamming.Shielding range can be up to 30 M.Up to 7 bands frequency bands, including all the 4G 3G 2G cellular phone bands, with GPS or Bluetooth optional.
When you using this RF jammer,you should notice the following tips:
1. Shielding range of the device will be determined by the local signal strength. In different situation, it will be with different performance.
2. While it is working, the surface temperature is about 45°C. It is normal, if it is higher than 45°C , it is abnormal.
3. Please put the power SW to off immediately and try to contact your local distributor or agent.
4. Please try to put the RF jammer in a higher position while it is working. It will be better. The suggested height is about 2M.
5. To avoid the loss of function of the device, please try to avoid the device placed on the metal materials.
6. Do not put the RF jammer near computers, notebook computers, televisions stereos, and radios and so on, in order not to make some interference for these equipments.
7. If the antenna is not properly installed in accordance will the manuals, the shielding range will be not so good.